Healing Our Emotional Body

One of the most important things I’ve learned on my spiritual journey is that the art of manifestation can be far more complex than it appears on the surface. I don’t say this to discourage anyone from working with the Law of Attraction or any other manifestation techniques, however I do want to offer my personal perspective from years of working with the mind in an attempt to modify deeply engrained belief systems.

As most of you know, in order to manifest what you want you have to first change your thoughts to align with what you desire. Working with our thoughts (located in the mental body) is typically the first point of entry into the art of manifestation. This is because our thoughts are the most obvious barometer for where we’re at energetically at any given point in time.

Now, beyond thought lie our belief systems (still in the mental body), which is where our childhood conditioning, societal imprints, past life programming, and other thought forms gather. Here we go deeper into the subconscious, and the capacity we have to re-wire our consciousness and form new neurological pathways is greater.

However, as we journey even *deeper* into our essence, we discover another layer of energy – our emotions (emotional body). By this point we’ve already re-routed our thoughts and identified our limiting beliefs, but there’s another layer of energy here that has the potential to block our ability to receive if not properly addressed.

If there is still wounding and emotional trauma stored in the body (either specifically related to what you want to manifest, or more general) it will be more difficult for you to receive what you are calling in because the emotional charge in your body will literally create a forcefield repelling that which you wish to attract.

This is why it’s SO important to not only work with your thoughts, but also with the emotional and energetic principles when doing any type of manifestation work.

It’s not enough to think about the red car or believe it’s your right to have the red car, you actually have to feel in your body that you are worthy and that it is safe for you to have the red car.

As I always say, working on healing our emotions is one of the most powerful ways we can tap into our feminine energy. If we don’t address our emotions there is lack of flow, and if there is lack of flow, we feel disconnected from source and our lives reflect that disconnection in a multitude of ways.

Some of the ways I like to work with emotional energy include using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), dancing, connecting to nature and asking Gaia going to assist me in releasing, offering the energy to the ocean, singing, and of course, a good old fashioned cry.


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Leaning safely into conflict