10 Ways to Clear Your Energy After a Stressful Day

Let’s face it, there’s a lot going on in today’s world energetically speaking. Between all that’s happening politically, socially, and otherwise, there are many highly-charged collective energy fields people are tapping into on a regular basis.

Engaging with this collective mix of energies on the daily can leave us feeling exhausted, depleted, and off-center. And while many people may use social media as a way to decompress or relax, the energy fields surrounding Facebook, Instagram, and the like can also be highly charged, and may only exacerbate matters when your auric field is already on the brink of saturation from external sources of energy.

For this reason, it’s super important to have a self-care regimen at the end of the day that routinely clears your auric field and brings you back to your center so that you can remain focused, and in alignment with your personal mission.

There are a ton of ways that I use to clear my energy both throughout the day and at the end of the day, but these ten that follow are my absolute favorites!

1. Exercise

This is one of my favorite ways to clear energy as it focuses on the physical body and energetic systems. During the day when we encounter stress, it’s common to tense up our bodies as a form of protection and defense against any incoming stress. While the body may feel this as an appropriate reaction to deflect any incoming stress, it’s actually counterintuitive because the energy we’re attempting to deflect gets lodged in our energy field as we tense up.

Practicing a form of exercise such as yoga, running, and even lifting weights can release the “stuck” energy in your body, bringing more oxygen into your blood stream, improving circulation, and really resetting yourself physically and energetically in all ways.

2. Epsom salt bath

woman soaking in tub relax spa essential oil

Epsom salt is an incredible healer, and its benefits have been widely researched. Interestingly enough, epsom salt is actually not a salt at all – it is magnesium sulfate – a mineral that comes from the soil, and therefore is extremely grounding to the energetic and physical bodies.

Add a cup of this magical mineral into your bathtub along with some essential oils to relax sore muscles, loosen up any tension in your body, and restore yourself back to harmony.

3. Salt scrub

Sea salt is another favorite way for me to detox at the end of a long day. Its curative properties have been highly regarded both in ancient and modern times, and if more evidence is needed of its magic, a long rejuvenating dip in the ocean will probably settle any suspicion.

One of the ways I like to work salt into my rituals is through a cleansing scrub, which can be made with a cup of salt, half the amount of oil, and the addition of any essential oils of your choice. While you’re in the shower, scrub yourself gently and lovingly, visualizing the salt lifting away any of the heavy, dense energies that may have gathered around you during the day.

As you rinse off, imagine the energy flowing down the drain and into the earth to be further purified and cleaned. Et Voila!

4. Light a candle

Candle magic is quickly becoming another one of my favorite ways to clear energy. I’ve experimented with many different colors of candles on my altar, but I find that white candles work excellently for purifying any unwanted energy from my space and body.

What I like to do is write out an intention on a piece of paper, and place the piece of paper underneath the white candle. Before lighting the candle I set the intention that as it burns, it will clear and lift away any energy that may be blocking my path forward. I then light the candle allow it to finish burning.

This may take a couple days depending on how long you let the candle burn at a single time, so I generally save this ritual for energy that has been stuck for a while and needs that extra boost of magic.

5. Meditate with visuals

Visuals are such a powerful way of shifting energy. Our intentions are what make everything real, and visuals are an amazing way to utilize your intention along with your imagination to completely reset your energy field.

I often use visuals for boundary setting, visualizing a circle of white light around my aura, or even a silver circle around my bed while I’m sleeping at night, keeping away any intrusive energies. If there is any heaviness in my energy field, I’ll visualize it as a certain color, and allow it to “fall away” from my auric field into a hole into the earth to be blessed and cleansed. I usually feel the effects of this immediately, so this is definitely a powerful one!

The violet flame is another incredibly powerful technique that I use on a daily basis. The violet flame is alchemy in action – it’s an ancient and perhaps lesser known energy that can be used to transmute almost anything. Whenever I encounter pain in my physical or energetic system, I will visualize the violet flame gently burning and lifting away any negative energy or karma.

6. Smudge

a smudge wand in a bowl cleanse energy

Sage, palo santo, copal, sweetgrass, lavender, the list goes on and on. Smudging is perhaps one of the best known and widely used forms of energy clearing to this day. After a long day, coming home and lighting a wand of sage, or a stick of palo santo can really and truly set your energy straight.

Each of these herbs, resins, and woods have their own unique properties and way of clearing or “smoothing out” energy in your body, so do a little research beforehand to make sure what you use matches your intention.

I love to recite affirmations as I’m smudging and visualize the smoke carrying away the unwanted energy out of my space. Be sure to open your windows so the energy can actually leave!

7. Essential oils

person applying essential oil aarm romatherpy to

Oof. Essential oils are one of my all-time favorite tools in my self-care toolbox. The range of benefits are truly too exhausting for me to list here, but have proven time and time again to be effective at healing a variety of ailments – stuck energy included!

Our sense of smell is directly linked to our limbic system, which is the most ancient and primitive part of the brain, and is also known as the seat of our emotions, according to the Social Issues Research Center.

My absolute favorite essential oils for both regulating and clearing my energy are lavender (calming), vetiver (grounding/anti-anxiety, can be used during panic attacks), palo santo essential oil (raises frequency), and bergamot for a cheerful pick-me-up.

8. Journal

woman seated writing in her journal self care

9. EFT

woman doing eft tapping relax self care

10. Chant or sing

girl singing

Singing is something that is incredibly beautiful and sacred to me, and it’s something I have recently vowed to introduce more of into my daily practice. This form of creative expression really shifts the energy in my body, as the vibration and expression of my own voice raises my frequency and really brings me back to me.

Also, using singing and chanting as a way to bring me closer to the divine is honestly just plain fun. One of my favorite singers to sing along to is Peia, and when I sing her songs I can actually feel dense energy vibrating out of my energy field and being transmuted. I get chills every time!

Music is truly one of the most powerful forms of alchemy there is.

“Blessed we are to dance on this ground. The rhythm of saints to carry the sound. We hold a prayer for the earth, for the ones yet to come. May you walk in beauty and remember your song.”

So there you have it -- happy energy clearing folks! If you have any other ways that you like to clear or reset your energy, let me know, I would love hear.


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