Are You Stuck on a Karmic Wheel?

The concept of karma has been on my mind a lot recently. More specifically, I’ve been thinking about what we’re doing to heal it, and in what ways we continue to create it. 

On our healing journey, so much of what motivates us to move forward is to heal the hurt and damage caused by past relationships and to cause as little harm as possible in our relationships moving forward. 

However, we’re on Earth. We’re human. And causing each other pain can be an inevitable part of the journey. Whether we go unconscious, are feeling short-tempered, tired, or just lash out from a broken heart, it can feel hard sometimes to rein in the impulse and do the “right” thing.

Healing our karma is essentially the why behind why we chose to come to Earth. We arrive with varying levels of baggage, which includes a mixture of healing our relationship with the self and others. Whether that’s alchemizing fear around stepping into our own power, owning our bigness, learning how to set boundaries with others, learning how to be more compassionate, or a mixture of it all (it’s usually a mixture of it all), our work is certainly cut out for us.

However, somewhere along the way all of this stuff ends up getting kind of, well, mixed up, and we end up creating more karma with others on top of what we’ve already been charged with. The wounds we have may trigger us to react strongly to others, thus triggering them, and creating a cycle of mutual harm that can feel cyclical and never-ending. While it may seem hard to stop the cycle, it’s not impossible.

You’ve probably noticed that the energy now is more intense now than they ever have been in our lifetime. Timelines are splitting, and people’s behavior seems to be more extreme on both ends of the spectrum these days. It’s important now more than ever to be vigilant about what’s tugging at our attention. In some ways, yes, there is an agenda that seeks to keep you stuck in these karmic cycles. It benefits by feeding off of the energy of trauma, fear, and anger that is generated by these patterns, and may even lead you to believe that this type of “healing” is a necessary part of your journey. It is not.

We regain control of our lives and our karmic cycles when we realize that we are sovereign and fully responsible for how we react to others and what occurs in our lives. It’s important to recognize that there are people in the world who are wounded and stuck in fear-based patterns looking for a quick energy fix. Or perhaps these people just want to feel less alone in their suffering. By creating karma with people who are more abundantly connected to source, these people have an easy way to get access to your energy without having to do the real inner work requiring them to connect to source on their own.

While of course there are those who genuinely want to learn and grow, those who are not ready will continue to create karma as an unconscious way to get their needs met. This may look like baiting you into an argument, creating conflict around trivial missteps, and generally trying to get you to engage in difficult or draining interactions. You’ll know this is happening because it usually occurs when you’re at peace (which is what attracts these people to you in the first place), and it feels like you’re being jolted out of your “zone.”

These types of interactions create karmic cords, which drain us of our life-force energy and keep us stuck in dense realities that do not nourish our spirits. The trick here is to not take the bait. As best as you can, try to stay calm and in your own energy. The interaction will likely dissipate once the person realizes you’re choosing not to feed into it.

It’s our responsibility to recognize karmic patterns and to stop generating this energy so we can break free and evolve. With practice, you will begin to notice when something feels like an organic opportunity to grow and heal from trauma you’re already carrying, and when something feels like a distraction. This distinction is important, and is something that gets easier with both practice and time.

Remember: another level of lightness is available to us. One where there is more ease and flow in our relationship dynamics, less struggle, less back and forth, and more clarity and understanding. 

While I’m not saying the next level up is 100% perfect, I can guarantee that it is a lot more peaceful and free. When you do experience conflict with others, you’re quicker to move on and shift out of the dynamic and into a more peaceful and accepting state.

Have you thought about karma in this way before? And where on the spectrum do you think you are?


In Praise of Simplifying Your Spiritual Practice